Monday, March 26, 2012

Pallet vertical garden

I was really inspired last week to make myself a vertical garden after seeing this.  There are instructions there on how to make your own. So we did.
Here is our attempt, which was both fun and easy to do. I cannot wait till everything grows and is all spilling out.  This would be a great way to grow strawberries too.

planting palletVertical garden 1 pallet garden 4

Stopped for some nosh half-way through. All very virtuous and "from the garden" like. But it wasn't, really.

Monday's lunch pallet garden 3 vertical garden 2
I looked around a bit more after that, loving the pallets full-stop. Check out the site here for some amazing ways of turning pallets into unique pieces of furniture.


  1. hello. i was so happy to see you over in my new space. sadly i had to end mamajots quite quickly. i was thinking of you but couldn't remember your blog address. it is funny how things work out. lovely to see you. home life looks good for you and beautiful photos as always. hope all is well. veronica. xo

  2. Nice! I'm excited to see how it turns out. I recently discovered that Flora Grubb has a DIY succulent vertical garden kit that I really want to buy and try out.

  3. Love it! I have been coveting all things "pallet" for a while now. We even made a piece of art for my daughter's bedroom out of old pickets which was inspired by all the pallet art I've been seeing online.

    I'm curious to know how the flowers fare in the pallet. I have a space that doesn't do well for flowers, but I want pretty plantings there anyway. I wonder if the pallets are the answer. I just don't want to have to constantly replant it. How are your flowers surviving?

    1. Kim, the flowers are fairing ok, the pansies not so much though. I have watered today, it's been warm and the soil dries out quickly. The cilantro is doing beautifully.
      I think this idea is great for Autumn and spring but Summer I would move it to a shady spot or the porch. Also I'd guard it from heavy rain as soil does escape. I am about to pack in some succulents just to cover some of the empty spots.
      Do try it, i think It looks great.

  4. oh this is so awesome! you will definitely have to post progress pictures :) love this idea!

    Kel x

  5. This is such a clever idea to use up some of those pallets that people have lying around and it looks very pretty now with the pansies growing in it. I like the look of that nosh too, you need to keep up your sustenance when your out in the garden. x
